Why do I must restart webrick each time I modifed my pluguin view ????
Added by shopoto shopoto about 14 years ago
HI everyone!
My conf:
Ruby 1.87
Redmine 1.0.4.stable.4543 (MySQL)
I'v created a simple plugin which just red record from a table just like in:
My probleme is when I modified the view "index.html.erb".
These modification are not displayed!
So I must restart webrick... which Im sure is not normal!
Any ideas?
Replies (1)
RE: Why do I must restart webrick each time I modifed my pluguin view ????
Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago
shopoto shopoto wrote:
My probleme is when I modified the view "index.html.erb".
These modification are not displayed!
So I must restart webrick... which Im sure is not normal!
It is normal if you are in production mode. Rails caches lots of things in memory in production mode to be able to render pages faster. If you are developing, you should use the development mode, which specifically reloads most stuff from the rails app on each page load to show the most current state of the code.