Repository won't work - it says 'command' -- not found BUT when i type in the command in a shell, it works!
Added by Kevin Vanryck about 14 years ago
So I configured it good (svn --> svn://localhost/shows - login & pass)
then when i go to the repository I get:
An error occurred when trying to access the repository: No such file or directory - svn list --xml "svn://localhost/shows/"@HEAD --username xxxx --password xxxx --no-auth-cache --non-interactive
So I tried typing the same into CMD (but changed the xxxx to my real login) and it WORKED!
Does it matter that I use tortoisesvn for my repositories?
Thank you!
Replies (3)
RE: Repository won't work - it says 'command' -- not found BUT when i type in the command in a shell, it works! - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago
Does the command work on the server redmine is installed on when run as the user running redmine?
RE: Repository won't work - it says 'command' -- not found BUT when i type in the command in a shell, it works! - Added by Kevin Vanryck about 14 years ago
Hello, yeah i fixed it through the IRC chat ^^. The problem was that I had not set the PATH in windows (environment variables or something), maybe this should be added to the installation help because I couldn't have found this without being in the IRC chat?
I read somewhere that it was the $path problem (svn can't communicate with redmine) but i had no idea how to put $path.
RE: Repository won't work - it says 'command' -- not found BUT when i type in the command in a shell, it works! - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago
The Installation pages are wiki pages, feel free to update it accordingly.