Activity page
Added by Dmit nitkin about 14 years ago
Is there a way to see on activity page all issues events e.g. subtask adding, ralated issues changing, start and due date changing etc?
I can get all this events by email but it would be more suitable to see all activities in Redmine
Replies (3)
RE: Activity page
Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago
Subtasks and related issues aren't tracked, so they won't produce events on the activity page, changes to issue attributes should though.
RE: Activity page
Added by Dmit nitkin about 14 years ago
There are only comments changing activity. Dates, assignee and some other attributes changings are not shown on activity page (tab)
RE: Activity page
Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago
Yes, I can see from the code that only status changes or changes with comments make it to the activity page. Feel free to open a feature request/bug for that.