


where is the bug tracker

Added by d fflyy over 13 years ago

i can't find it!
is not need to plus suppert?

tell me please . thanks

Replies (5)

RE: where is the bug tracker - Added by d fflyy over 13 years ago

Is there a better for bug tracking?

RE: where is the bug tracker - Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago


Follow the arrow up to the big blue bar...

RE: where is the bug tracker - Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago


Seems my arrow was a smidge off after submitting the post, so follow this one instead.

RE: where is the bug tracker - Added by d fflyy over 13 years ago

What do you mean?? i can't seem know!!!!

RE: where is the bug tracker - Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago

It might help if you expanded your question a bit...
