


Login problem to WebDav

Added by Tom S. over 13 years ago

Good Morning Arnaud,

it´s a new thread because in the old one ( I could not answer - my answer was always marked as spam!?

So ...

I have read the three pages from the link you gave me and I replaced the "redmine_http_auth" with your once from page 1 but without success. After replacing it I could not make any settings to the HTTP Authentication plugin so I replaced again from wiki (AdamLantos/redmine_http_auth.git).

Everything without success. I also replaced <Location /redmine/webdav/> to <Location /> so that only a login-dialog poped up, no website login but I could not login from there.

What can be wrong there or what can I check next?

Best regards, Tom

Replies (2)

RE: Login problem to WebDav - Added by Tom S. over 13 years ago

Ok, there must be something with the database file "redmine.sqlite3"

DBI connect('dbname=redmine.sqlite3','',...) failed: unable to open database file at /usr/share/perl/5.10/Apache2/Authn/ line 416

Line 416: return DBI->connect( $cfg->{RedmineDSN}, $cfg->{RedmineDbUser},

What´s wrong there in the redmine_webdav.conf?

PerlLoadModule Apache2::Authn::RedmineAdvanced
<Location /redmine/webdav>
AuthType Basic
Require valid-user
PerlAccessHandler Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced::access_handler
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced::authen_handler
RedmineDSN "DBI:SQLite:dbname=/var/www/redmine-1.0.4/db/redmine.sqlite3"
RedmineAuthenticationOnly "On"
Order allow,deny
Allow from
Satisfy Any

RE: Login problem to WebDav - Added by Arnaud Martel over 13 years ago

Sorry but I don't use sqlite and I have no idea to help you...
