HTTP Auth always shown at start
Added by Miguel DP almost 14 years ago
Hi all,
I'm a happy user of Redmine but i'm having and odd problem that I have not been able to fix since the first time I updated my Redmine.
I have the authentication turned on and every time I access to my Redmine site I'm getting a HTTP authentication that doesn't work with my Redmine credentials.
If I close the windows it will pop up again in a few seconds. When I login using the web form the HTTP AUTH stops from poping up. (Take a look of the attachment for clarification)
Could you guide me in how to prevent that window from pop up?
Thank you all very much.
Best regards,
redmineerror.png (66.3 KB) redmineerror.png |
Replies (1)
RE: HTTP Auth always shown at start - Added by Miguel DP almost 14 years ago
OK, is fixed, it stop happening with the update to 1.1.1
Best regards,