


create git repository on redmine

Added by buhawi jack over 13 years ago

i dont know how to connect my local gir repository on redmine!!!!

any help is highly apreciate...

thank you in advance....

Replies (13)

RE: create git repository on redmine - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

Just activate Git adapter in Administration/Settings/Repositories then configure your repo path in your project settings tab.

RE: create git repository on redmine - Added by buhawi jack over 13 years ago

where i can find the Administration/Settings/Repositories?

RE: create git repository on redmine - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

The Administration menu is located in the very top left menu, between "Projects" and "Help". You need to be administrator to see it.

RE: create git repository on redmine - Added by buhawi jack over 13 years ago

ahm.. ive found it.. but when i configure my repo in my project settings tab...

i got this msg...

"The entry or revision was not found in the repository."

why this msg appear?

RE: create git repository on redmine - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

I'm not sure, you should have a look to your production.log file.

redMine should fetch your changesets automatically into its db when you first use the Repository tab. If it can't, there may be several reasons : your path is not well configured, git executable is not found, ...your production.log could tell you.

Sorry, I don't know enough about Git configuration :/

RE: create git repository on redmine - Added by buhawi jack over 13 years ago

oh... its ok... im happy because you are willing to help..

thanks for the information... ..


RE: create git repository on redmine - Added by buhawi jack over 13 years ago


where i can find the production.log?

i dont know where! :D

RE: create git repository on redmine - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

In the log directory =)

RE: create git repository on redmine - Added by buhawi jack over 13 years ago

i cant find it..

its maybe on the server's machine....

i dont have production.log on my pc...


RE: create git repository on redmine - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

Yes, of course, it's on the server machine !

RE: create git repository on redmine - Added by buhawi jack over 13 years ago

oh... but i am not the server..

is there any way to see it?

RE: create git repository on redmine - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

Chances are that there is not, can't you see with the person in charge of the server maintenance ?
