


Due date column "Issues assigned to me" in My Page

Added by Pieter Pabst about 14 years ago


How to add due date column to Issues assigned to me block in My Page?
Or does this require code? (I think due date is something that should always be there ;-))?
Relativly new to redmine so forgive me if I am asking something stupid.

Best regards

Replies (4)

RE: Due date column "Issues assigned to me" in My Page - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Pieter Pabst wrote:

Or does this require code? (I think due date is something that should always be there ;-))?


RE: Due date column "Issues assigned to me" in My Page - Added by Pieter Pabst about 14 years ago


In My Page (and everywhere I watch issues...) it shows me a list of issues.
If there are 1000 issues assigned to me, all due in late 2020 and one issue due tomorrow.
It totally depends on the order they were submitted in Redmine if that one issue that is due for tomorrow shows up in My Page... Or in any issue list in the project (using the default query all issues).

Why doesn't the system order by priority, due date? Why is priority the only criteria used?

In the "Issue" pages I can work around the problem by adding the due date as a column and sorting by that and then saving it as a cutom query. However, is this not desired by default? Taking the due date in account in addition to priority?

I would love to see it on my page as the issue lists will only show issues on a certain project and it's sub projects, but I work on several "main" projects. So every morning I have to cycle trough all projects clicking Issues and then my custom query. Is there no better way to do this?

Thanks in advance.

RE: Due date column "Issues assigned to me" in My Page - Added by Pieter Pabst about 14 years ago

Regard the remark walking trough projects I adjusted my query to show all issues from all projects (stupid question).

Question remains why due date order by is not default behaviour in My Issues.

RE: Due date column "Issues assigned to me" in My Page - Added by Fares Abdullah about 13 years ago

There is already a feature request #1710 for this (in the "New" state, filed in July 2008).
