Help, Error
Added by Conor Calby almost 14 years ago
We have been trying to create the database structure but keep getting the following error:
undefined local variable or method `version_requirements' for #<Rails::GemDependency:0xb794f07c>
root@Vps [/home/redmine-1.1]# RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
(in /home/redmine-1.1)
rake aborted!
undefined local variable or method `version_requirements' for #<Rails::GemDependency:0xb794f07c>
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
root@Vps [/home/redmine-1.1]# undefined local variable or method `version_requirements' for #<Rails::GemDependency:0xb794f07c>
Please tell me how to fix this
Replies (6)
RE: Help, Error - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago
You seem to have rubygems 1.5, which IIRC isn't supported in redmine 1.1, you'll have to downgrade to a previous version.
RE: Help, Error - Added by Conor Calby almost 14 years ago
Great thanks, however one issue now,
It has been installed and it does work, however
The program needs to be started in shell. What is the command you recommend you use to run it so that it stays open even after the shell connection is closed. We used the test command to confirm that it worked but the program shuts off once the connection is closed.
RE: Help, Error - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago
Conor Calby wrote:
The program needs to be started in shell. What is the command you recommend you use to run it so that it stays open even after the shell connection is closed. We used the test command to confirm that it worked but the program shuts off once the connection is closed.
If you use script/server
: that works, but isn't fit for production usage (and I think the install guides stress that out, you might want to read them with more attention), depending on what you need, you'll be better off using passenger or one of thin or unicorn.
RE: Help, Error - Added by Conor Calby almost 14 years ago
Its gonna be used for bug tracking and SVN use.
Only problem is Ruby is not my area of knowledge. I have never used Ruby before in my life.
root@Vps [/home]# ruby script/server webrick e production script/server (LoadError)
ruby: No such file or directory -
root@Vps [/home]# ruby redmine-1.1 webrick -e production
ruby: Is a directory - redmine-1.1 (Errno::EISDIR)
As I said, I have never used Ruby or Redmine before so I have no clue what 'unicorn' is.
RE: Help, Error - Added by Conor Calby almost 14 years ago
What command you can use to get it to run in the background even when you exit SSH.
Redmine is installed at /home/redmine-1.1
I need the actual command and not part of it as I know little to nothing about ROR and redmine.
RE: Help, Error - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago
Conor Calby wrote:
I need the actual command and not part of it
If you just want to push buttons and have it work, a manual installation isn't the easiest way to get there, you should have used one of the third-party bundles or even one of the hosted offerings.
Now, as I already said and to quote the installation instructions:
Note: Webrick is not suitable for normal use, please only use webrick for testing that the installation up to this point is functional. It is not recommended to use webrick for anything other than development. Use one of the many other guides in this wiki to setup redmine to use either passenger (aka mod_rails) or mongrel to serve up your redmine.
There are a lot HowTos to help you with that.
Now, if you still want just the dumb answer:
cd /home/redmine-1.1 && ruby script/server -e production -d