


How to access my projet from

Added by Flying Hermes over 13 years ago

Hello everybody,

I've just installed Redmine on my fedora 14 laptop without any problem.
I can access my projects by tipping http://localhost:3000 in my web browser since I've configured the config/database.yml file as :

adapter: mysql
database: redmine
host: localhost
username: redmine
password: my_password

Now, how can I put my project on-line, so that it can be access from the web.
I suppose I have to get a web site ant to replace the "localhost" by its name.

Can somebody help me with this ???


Replies (2)

RE: How to access my projet from - Added by Anil D'sa over 11 years ago

I am facing the same issue can somebody guide in how to access the redmine application from the Web


RE: How to access my projet from - Added by Flying Hermes over 11 years ago

First, have you been able to access your Redmine from http://localhost:3000 ?
Is So, you then have to set-up an server on you machine, let-s say using apache.
Good luck.
