Upgrading from 0.8.4 (MySQL) on Windows
Added by Nicola Lepetit almost 14 years ago
we are using Redmine since mid 2009 but we are stuck to version 0.8.4 because we were never able to upgrade it to a successive release.
We now are really wanting to upgrade to the last available one, but we are not able to. We were not able to find any useful info on the web or on your site, since almost all how-tos are for Linux.
Can you please help us ?
Replies (11)
RE: Upgrading from 0.8.4 (MySQL) on Windows - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago
This is pretty much the same process described in RedmineUpgrade.
What went wrong the last time you tried ?
RE: Upgrading from 0.8.4 (MySQL) on Windows - Added by Nicola Lepetit almost 14 years ago
We are already blocked at first step: we do not the name of the database to make the backup, nor the userid and password for mysql.
We have tried with the admin account, but it is not working.
RE: Upgrading from 0.8.4 (MySQL) on Windows - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago
use the database name, username & password defined in you config/database.yml
file, this should work ?
RE: Upgrading from 0.8.4 (MySQL) on Windows - Added by Nicola Lepetit almost 14 years ago
we were able to backup the DB. Now we are stuck on the command: rake config/initializers/session_store.rb
Where do we find rake ?
RE: Upgrading from 0.8.4 (MySQL) on Windows - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago
It should be included with your ruby installation or you can install it via the gem install rake
As a result, you should find a rake.bat file in you ruby bin
directory. Whichever bin
directory should be added to your PATH environment variable.
RE: Upgrading from 0.8.4 (MySQL) on Windows - Added by Nicola Lepetit almost 14 years ago
next problem is for step 4.
We have installed the release 1.1.1 in a different folder
We have a backupRedmine.bak file that is the result of the sqldump instruction (now moved to the server desktop).
I've issued the command "rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production" from the redmine root directory and, after a few second we get four times a message box saying:
--------------------------- ruby.exe - Unable To Locate Component --------------------------- This application has failed to start because CORE_RL_magick_.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
And, at the end of the process, we get this message:
C:\Program Files\Redmine\apps\redmine>rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production (in C:/Program Files/Redmine/apps/redmine) rake aborted! Access denied for user 'bitnami'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (See full trace by running task with --trace)
What we are missing ?
RE: Upgrading from 0.8.4 (MySQL) on Windows - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago
About first point : ImageMagick directory must be added to your PATH environment variable.
About second point :
replace rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
by the following commands :
set RAILS_ENV=production
rake db:migrate
About the access denied, you probably specified a wrong password in your config/database.yml
RE: Upgrading from 0.8.4 (MySQL) on Windows - Added by Nicola Lepetit almost 14 years ago
The new issue is with i18n.
When we issue the command. this is the output:
C:\Program Files\Redmine\apps\redmine>rake db:migrate (in C:/Program Files/Redmine/apps/redmine) Missing the i18n 0.4.2 gem. Please `gem install -v=0.4.2 i18n`
We've found an i18n in these folder: C:\Program Files\Redmine\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\i18n-0.4.2 and tried to issue the gem command in many directories, but we always get the same answer:
C:\Program Files\Redmine\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems>gem install -v=0.4.2 i18n ERROR: could not find gem i18n locally or in a repository
How do we proceed ?
RE: Upgrading from 0.8.4 (MySQL) on Windows - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago
There may be a problem with your ruby setup.
What's the result of gem environment
command ?
RE: Upgrading from 0.8.4 (MySQL) on Windows - Added by Nicola Lepetit almost 14 years ago
RubyGems Environment:
- RUBY VERSION: 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i386-mswin32]
- INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: C:/Program Files/RedmineStack/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
- RUBY EXECUTABLE: C:/Program Files/RedmineStack/ruby/bin/ruby.exe
- EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: C:/Program Files/RedmineStack/ruby/bin
- ruby
- x86-mswin32-60
- C:/Program Files/RedmineStack/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
- :update_sources => true
- :verbose => true
- :benchmark => false
- :backtrace => false
- :bulk_threshold => 1000
- http://gems.rubyforge.org/
RE: Upgrading from 0.8.4 (MySQL) on Windows - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago
You have 2 bitnami stacks installed, don't you ?
You should replace all "C:\Program Files\RedmineStack" in your PATH env var with the new "C:\Program Files\Redmine".