


Can not edit products or make/edit the Discount field

Added by Michael ----- over 13 years ago

Hello community !

I hope you can help me, you are my last hope :)

I have the following problems: I updatet my joomla to the newest version, than I also updated my Virtuemart to 1.1.7 but since the update I can not longer edit products which i created before the update ( I can not change any data in the fields) but the strange thing is I can edit normaly the products which i added after the virtuemart update....

The Second Problem after the Update: I can not change or edit the discount field on the "product site" (the site where I can add the data how much a product cost and so on)

Anybody knows a solution for this problems??

Replies (2)

RE: Can not edit products or make/edit the Discount field - Added by Michael ----- over 13 years ago

I see it's not the virtuemart forum? ( I was redirected from the virtuemart site to this site Oo )

RE: Can not edit products or make/edit the Discount field - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

Michael ----- wrote:

I was redirected from the virtuemart site to this site Oo

The advanced help points to I believe.
