


Receive/ update notification on issues created via Incoming email, anonymous users

Added by shikari shambu almost 14 years ago

I have setup my Redmine project to allow creation of issues via email from unknown users. I would like to

a) Send email to the sender on receipt of the issue with the issue id
b) Send email to the sender on updates to the issue

I would prefer not to create an user account for the user, if that is possible. How do I add the "unknown user" as a watcher to the issue?


Replies (2)

RE: Receive/ update notification on issues created via Incoming email, anonymous users - Added by shikari shambu almost 14 years ago

I could not find a way to keep the email address with unkown_user=accept. It looks like Redmine strips the email and assigns the user as anonymous user. So, I changed unkown_user=create. My redmine is set to do LDAP auth against Active Directory.

I see the user being created in the users table and has a hashed password (no idea what this default password is).

The issue I have is
a) The user does not get any email informing them of the account creation
b) The user does not get any email on the acceptance of the ticket (notification that the ticket was successfully created and the ticket id is ###)

Any suggestions on how to fix these?


Send acknowledgement email on issues created via Incoming email, unknown_user=create - Added by shikari shambu almost 14 years ago

I have setup my Redmine project to allow creation of issues via email from unknown users. I would like to

a) Send email to the sender on receipt of the issue with the issue id
b) Send email to the sender on updates to the issue

unknown_user is set to "create"

