


mail to adress is deleted in action mail

Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago

  • an action mail is sent
  • the assignee dont get the mail
  • the "to" is blank
  • only all observers get the mail
  • if the assignee is a observer too, the assignee get the mail with "bc"
  • so I see the smtp, the hub with exchange, the adresses is ok
  • I have donne a test with an external smtp and got the same problem

Replies (2)

RE: mail to adress is deleted in action mail - Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago

sorry was to fast... but I dont now how to get a complete list of all the versions.

  • we use Redmine Bitnami Version 1.1.2-1 as complete package on MS Server2008R2
  • the production database was exportet from Redmine Bitnami Version 1.1.1 on ubuntu and importet to the windows machine

Is it possible there is something wrong with the schema db??
