


import from csv file

Added by Roger Layani over 13 years ago

I am trying to import from a csv file using import plugin.
1- I upload the csv file
2- I do fields mapping using the interface
3- Submit the prcess run and I get message:
Import Result
454 issues processed. 0 issues successfully imported
in the server background the message is:

Processing ImporterController#result (for at 2011-06-02 10:18:16) [POST]
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Submit", "fields_map"=>{"Status"=>"status", "Filed Against"=>"category", "Planned For"=>"", "Creation Date"=>"", "Summary"=>"subject", "Id"=>"id", "Desc_wiki"=>"", "Created By"=>"author", "Priority"=>"priority", "Description"=>"description", "Severity"=>"Severity", "Owned By"=>"assigned_to", "Type"=>"tracker"}, "project_id"=>"1", "unique_field"=>"", "add_versions"=>"true", "action"=>"result", "authenticity_token"=>"6vsezL8q5RUHVn3ZEwmjz4aER4y7LkLR3mwW9bBElfI=", "send_emails"=>"true", "add_categories"=>"true", "controller"=>"importer", "import_timestamp"=>"2011-06-02 10:17:08", "default_tracker"=>"4"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering importer/result
Completed in 8311ms (View: 198, DB: 110) | 200 OK []

Any idea what is wrong!

Replies (4)

RE: import from csv file - Added by Cory Riddell about 13 years ago

If you figure out what the problem is, please post a follow up. I'm struggling with the exact same problem.

RE: import from csv file - Added by Cory Riddell about 13 years ago

I've started to strip down what I'm importing and have discovered that if the subject field is empty (or I presume more than one line), the import fails. Check the "Summary" field of your data to verify that none are empty (you are mapping this to "subject").

RE: import from csv file - Added by Harry Garrood almost 13 years ago

I think that one is usually to do with required fields being null. Try importing a test csv which you've written in notepad.

RE: import from csv file - Added by matt edwards almost 13 years ago

9 times out of ten the problem is a comma or some foreign character in one of your fields. Try in notepad like Harry said and try in Excel or Open Office to see which column sticks out like a sore thumb beacuse it won't line up.
