Translation for myblocks link of plugin does not work
Added by Terence Mill over 13 years ago
We have several plugins which hook into the MyPage as "block" and create a new context menue entry to the add blocks context menue.
Mayn of them are not translated into our locale.
I picked one out to fix it, the questions plugin by eric davis.
So i searched manually and by text search for one of this not translated englisch strings eg "asked by me" in all files. I only found match in texts and yml translation files. 0 findings, except in tests.
I can't figure out how and where this hooks into the my blocks context menu, and how to make my translation work. I mean the strings used all have its label and translation in out locale, furthermore this translation works all over, except in the add "my blocks " drop down menue on my page.
Maybe this link was created on installation, and i translated the locale after the first installation?
Please help to understand this mystery!