


Will pay for this development

Added by Aaron Handford about 13 years ago


We really need the ability to add recurring issues to redmine. We need the ability to set an issue "recurring" and then "weekly, monthly, bimonthly, yearly". Ideally the issue would have a new issue number every time it reoccurred, but it would be acceptable if the issue number stayed the same and instead the status changed to "new".

Can anyone take this project on? We are willing to pay for it.

Replies (1)

RE: Will pay for this development - Added by Rob D about 13 years ago

Can you please provide some more details about your setup, so that people will know what they are dealing with. Things like OS, DB, SCM & redmine versions etc.

You might find it is simple enough that people might help without being paid. It may even be pretty straight forward to do yourself, perhaps a cron job that runs a script: mysql < add_recurring_issue.sql

I am working on migrating data from IBM ClearQuest to redmine, and the SQL INSERTS seem to be the easy part.
