


Problems with files permission?

Added by Constantine Royo about 13 years ago


I had install redmine (v1.2) on my hosting ( <--> and can't use it. I can't get access to redmine admin panel with default access (admin/admin), can't register any users, nothing don't work..

The start page is broken, may is the problems with files permission?
redmine url is:

I'm confused, please help me.

Replies (4)

RE: Problems with files permission? - Added by Alex A about 13 years ago

see production.log for details

RE: Problems with files permission? - Added by Constantine Royo about 13 years ago

the production.log have a single record '# Logfile created on Mon Jun 27 05:46:31 -0500 2011'

RE: Problems with files permission? - Added by Alex A about 13 years ago

what os do you use?
may be you must grant permission for apache to redmine filder.
if production.log is empty, see apache logs for details.

RE: Problems with files permission? - Added by Constantine Royo about 13 years ago

OS Linux. -

apache log is empty too.

Installed Ruby Gem(s) ==================================
abstract 1.0.0
actionmailer 3.0.6
actionpack 3.0.6
activemodel 3.0.6
activerecord 3.0.6
activeresource 3.0.6
activesupport 3.0.6
arel 2.0.9
builder 2.1.2
bundler 1.0.11
cgi_multipart_eof_fix 2.5.0
daemons 1.1.0
erubis 2.6.6
fastthread 1.0.7
gem_plugin 0.2.3
i18n 0.4.2
mail 2.2.15
mime-types 1.16
mongrel 1.1.5
mysql 2.8.1
polyglot 0.3.1
rack 1.3.0
rack-mount 0.6.14
rails 2.3.11
rake 0.8.7
rubygems-update 1.5.0
sqlite3 1.3.3
sqlite3-ruby 1.3.3
thor 0.14.6
treetop 1.4.9
tzinfo 0.3.26 ==================================
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