


Is it possible to make all new tickets default to private?

Added by Jacob Wilder about 13 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to make my Redmine 1.2.0 installation have all new tickets default to have the 'private' checkbox selected. Unfortunately, I don't know any Ruby nor do I understand the Redmine codebase. This made my attempts to change it at a code-level myself difficult and I have since moved on in fear of making my install difficult to maintain.

Could someone please offer me some direction as to how to achieve this? In an ideal world, I'd rely on the technicians to check the private box for sensitive/confidential issues, but people are fallible and we'd like to err on the safe side.

My Redmine 1.2.0 install is a fresh copy of the BitNami stack running on a CentOS 5.6 box. (I can post more details if necessary)

Replies (2)

RE: Is it possible to make all new tickets default to private? - Added by Andres Calabrese almost 13 years ago

I would also like this feature added.

We have to consider what happens when the user creating the issue doesn't have the "Set issues public or private" permission. Maybe use a sensible default based on issue visibility?
  • All issues visibility -> create a private issue
  • All non private issues -> create a public issue

I'm not sure about this but it' s a start
