


Emails not working - can't start app

Added by Eric C about 13 years ago

Just installed redmine 1.2.1 on a shared hostgator plan. Emails weren't working, which was to be expected as there was no configuration.yml file specifying the email configs.

However, after copying the example file over to configuration.yml and uncommenting out the "Simple SMTP server at localhost" section at the top, the ruby app will not start.

For reference, here is the email config I am trying to use, directly from the sample config file:

delivery_method: :smtp
address: localhost
port: 25

(this message board seems to want to mess with my spacing; preceding spaces are 1,3,5,5,6,7 respectively)

Is there something wrong with this entry? Or should I be looking elsewhere for the problem?

Replies (3)

RE: Emails not working - can't start app - Added by Eric C about 13 years ago

Progress - changing the spacing around has the app starting, but email still doesn't work; sending a test email yields an error. I saw another post suggesting adding a domain, so I tried that, still get the same error.

error is "An error occurred while sending mail (getaddrinfo: Name or service not known)"

new mail config is below:

delivery_method: :smtp
address: localhost
port: 25

RE: Emails not working - can't start app - Added by Danil Zvyagintsev almost 13 years ago

Could you provide a link or a guide how to manage install on hostgator?
i can't install even without email feature

RE: Emails not working - can't start app - Added by Eric C almost 13 years ago

I followed the guide here:

FYI, i got email working by commenting out all the SMTP stuff and just using sendmail
