


Redmine interfaces for developers/maintenance?

Added by George Barb about 13 years ago


This may sound like a stupid question ,but here is the situation:
A worker that was responsible for redmine project ,has left our company and now I am responsible for this project instead of him.

I've successfully accessed the administrator interface and opened/closed users and permissions.

Then ,they wanted me to change settings to standard fields (like "assigned to" - make it mandatory) ,add/remove fields from "new issue" screens and things like that.

Since no one else knows how to do that ,I'm humbly asking for your assistance -
how can I change the values of these fields and screens?
Is there a convenient way to do that with a web interface similar to the administrator interface, or do I have to change the screens manually via a development environment.

If there is an interface ,what is the preferred way(s) ,and what might be the link(s) to access it?

If I must install a development environment ,what should I need to install?

Of course, if you have links or sites that can assist ,please add it also.

We use redmine on MySQL with Linux server and on Apache web server.

Thank you in advance

Replies (3)

RE: Redmine interfaces for developers/maintenance? - Added by Jan from Planio about 13 years ago

You can add/modify fields for most objects in Redmine via "Administration" -> "Custom fields". No need to jump right into the code. If you did want to get your hands dirty, most people use a simple text editor such as TextMate. You need to install Ruby and Ruby on Rails on your local machine, the instructions at and RedmineInstall should get you started.

I work for Planio, so the following may be biased, but it's still well-intentioned: If your company depends on your Redmine installation, I strongly recommend they hire a professional to look after it, or a consultant who can help you get up to speed, after your colleague left. As with any software, Redmine requires a lot of care, especially regular updates and backups. Just recently, there have been a number of security vulnerabilities discovered, so everybody should upgrade their Redmine to the latest version asap, in order to prevent unauthorized people from accessing your company's data. There are a number of companies/individuals who provide these services, see CommercialOfferings for instance.

You might also want to have a look at Planio Redmine Hosting. We're a professional Redmine hosting provider and we'll also help migrate and move your existing data to a safe and secure platform which we maintain, backup, and upgrade for you.

RE: Redmine interfaces for developers/maintenance? - Added by George Barb about 13 years ago

Hi Jan,
Sorry for late reply.

Thank you

for the advice ; I'll check it.

Regarding custom fields , I already did what asked ,but they want me to customize the input screens and default fields ,and for that I need a better control over the application.

BTW ,editing text files is not "getting my hands dirty" - I enjoy doing that ,but using a better interface than text editors will certainly take less time to fix the tasks that were given to me.

Best regards

Ruby/Rails IDEs - Added by Jan from Planio about 13 years ago

Many (most?) really just use a plain text editor with a couple macros, but I've seen people use Netbeans (although official ruby support is discontinued and now a community effort) and I've seen people use RubyMine. Maybe you'd like to check them out...

(I am on my mobile right now, so apologies for not pasting any links...)
