


What is Rails_ENV?

Added by michael hendel about 13 years ago

Dear Redmine Community,

I would like to configure Redmine Reminder E-mails.

My question is, what exactly is Rails_ENV="production"? I didn't find any hints in FAQ or in Guides.
Is production a static value, or should I replace it with any other information in reference to my configuration?

Thank you very much for your help.

Replies (2)

RE: What is Rails_ENV? - Added by michael hendel about 13 years ago

Nobody any idea? :(

RE: What is Rails_ENV? - Added by Tony Marschall about 13 years ago

In redmine configuration you can configure different enviroments, for example "development" and "production".


rake redmine:send_reminders days=7 RAILS_ENV="production" 

you set the reminder for "production" enviroment.

