


Can reply to Redmine thinks it is spam

Added by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

Pablo Quiroga wrote:

Felix Schäfer wrote:

Pablo Quiroga wrote:

  • There are 5 js and 2 css files, uncompressed and unminified. The solution may be a minifier/gzipper like this one [2] (written in php, but can be ported). It dynamically combines, minifies and compress js and css files. The average compression rate is about 60-70%.
  • Optimize and compress html output. Maybe is not as important as other resources, but the save could be between 50-60%.

Compression is in my opinion something the server frontend should manage, not the app. I have configured apache to deflate text content (html, xml, css, js), works a charm.

I agree. I've done that also and it's ok. But maybe this option could be included in the .htaccess file commented. But as I said before, minify and compress js and css files is a big deal. Just for prototype.js the size drops from 126.7kb to 21.4kb (83,1%) and that's a pretty good size reduction.

I just partially agree with that. Of course gzipping is the job of the server as e.g. apache, but you could save a lot more. I tested a javascript compressor on prototype.js of redmine 1.1.3. It resulted in

Original Size: 159.49KB (36.57KB gzipped)
Compiled Size: 84.92KB (25.79KB gzipped)
Saved 46.76% off the original size (29.47% off the gzipped size)

meaning, if you "compress and optimize" before gzipping, than you could save much traffic since awstats tells me that 9% of the traffic of my redmine instance is related to javascript. I would recommend googles compressor: since it was rated high on
