


Debian Package Redmine (1.0.1-2)

Added by S Kriesmer almost 13 years ago

Hello there,

one simple question: Does the Debian package (1.0.1-2) of Redmine has already SVN integrated?
Or do I have establish SVN/Redmine corporation on my own?
How-Tos I found a lot.



Replies (3)

RE: Debian Package Redmine (1.0.1-2) - Added by André Bachmann almost 13 years ago

You have to install SVN manually. It's only included in the Bitnami Redmine Stack.

RE: Debian Package Redmine (1.0.1-2) - Added by S Kriesmer almost 13 years ago

Ah. Thank you.
I was confused due to an existing SVN link in apache config...

Redmine & SVN integration - Added by S Kriesmer almost 13 years ago

But somehow it won't work out....Umpf.

I understood that I have to setup apache und svn before installing.
I understood that Redmine has a SVN "Connector" on Board.
I understood that connecting between Redmine & SVN must be established within Apache conf.

I understood that "Document" is not under SVN control.

Is that right, so far?

Who can help?

Thank You.
