


2 wikis for a project

Added by Guillaume BARRANCO almost 13 years ago

Hi all,
I would like to know if it is possible to have two wikis for one project.
I explain my problem :
I would like to open a project for my customers to let them report issues and see some stuff in the wiki (help for example). But I also want to have a private wiki for me and my team to share advices or informations that my customers don't have to see.

Is it possible or, alternatively, is it possible to private some wiki pages?

Thanks by advance

Replies (3)

RE: 2 wikis for a project - Added by André Bachmann almost 13 years ago

Why don't you create a second project (not public)? Then you add only your team members to it.
Of course you also should check the access rights for group 'Non-Members' - they shouldn't be allowed to view a wiki.

RE: 2 wikis for a project - Added by Guillaume BARRANCO almost 13 years ago

I already thought about it but it means to have two redmine projects by real project and we have 18 projects !
With this solution we'll be lost in our own project page.

RE: 2 wikis for a project - Added by Guillaume BARRANCO almost 13 years ago

No way to have some private pages and some others public on a wiki ? Or to have 2 wikis ?
