


Internal error (500)

Added by Martin G almost 13 years ago

Redmine 1.2.1
This error appears when i try to set a filter on a custom field:

ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (6 for 5)):
  app/models/query.rb:456:in `sql_for_field'
  app/models/query.rb:456:in `statement'
  app/models/query.rb:438:in `each_key'
  app/models/query.rb:438:in `statement'
  app/models/query.rb:521:in `issue_count'
  app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:82:in `index'
  config/initializers/mongrel_cluster_with_rails_211_fix.rb:62:in `dispatch_cgi'

Replies (5)

RE: Internal error (500) - Added by Etienne Massip almost 13 years ago

Redmine currently does not support Rails 3.x.

RE: Internal error (500) - Added by Martin G almost 13 years ago

Where can i check my current installed version?

I have installed the current release of bitnami. I didn't know that there was just used this version of Rails...

RE: Internal error (500) - Added by Martin G almost 13 years ago

I have installed Ruby 1.8.7:

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\userp01>ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-02-18 patchlevel 334) [i386-mingw32]

Can someone help me?

RE: Internal error (500) - Added by Etienne Massip almost 13 years ago

Ok, my comment was irrelevant, I read 311 instead of 211 (also rails 3.1.1 does not exist yet, so very irrelevant comment).

I guess your install is fine, according to the forum threads I've found, your error might be due to the presence of the Question plugin.

If this is the case, then try removing it, or upgrade it if its author has published a fixed version.

RE: Internal error (500) - Added by Martin G almost 13 years ago

I removed the Question plugin and now everything works fine.

Thank you for your help!
