


Is it possible to display the real progress in sub-project's roadmap?

Added by Cuper Hector over 13 years ago

My project hierarchy is one TopProject with two sub-projects: SubProject1 and SubProject2.

A version named "2011-release" is created in TopProject and shared to all sub-projects.

Then SubProject1 contains one task of which % DONE is 50%; SubProject2 contains one taks of which % DONE is 100%.

The progress of TopProject is 75%, which is correct.

But in the roadmap view of SubProject1 and SubProject2, both show the same 75% progress as TopProject.

I'd rather to see 50% in SubProject1 and 100% in SubProject2.

Is it possible to do it? It sounds like a bug to me though.


Replies (4)

RE: Is it possible to display the real progress in sub-project's roadmap? - Added by Mischa The Evil over 13 years ago

Cuper Hector wrote:

The progress of TopProject is 75%, which is correct.

But in the roadmap view of SubProject1 and SubProject2, both show the same 75% progress as TopProject.

I'd rather to see 50% in SubProject1 and 100% in SubProject2.

Is it possible to do it? It sounds like a bug to me though.

This is indeed the default behaviour of Redmine as far as I can see. I've seen several Redmine issues about the progress-calculation on the roadmap and version views. See if your issue is already filed and, if not, file it yourself...

RE: Is it possible to display the real progress in sub-project's roadmap? - Added by Cuper Hector over 13 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

I've checked the source code, and found out that project is not counted in version.completed_pourcent()

I'll file an enhancement request.

RE: Is it possible to display the real progress in sub-project's roadmap? - Added by Mischa The Evil over 13 years ago

Thanks. I've added some references to this thread in its issue-notes.
