Highlight overdue issues
Added by Влад Владыч over 13 years ago
Good day!
I have a great problem!
Is it real to highlight overdue issues in issues list or in a calendar ?
I also read about highlighting issue here http://www.redmine.org/issues/2337 but where is this fix in redmine 1.2.1.?
Help me please!
Replies (4)
RE: Highlight overdue issues
Added by Mischa The Evil over 13 years ago
Please don't cross-post over different objects.
Regarding your question about how to highlight overdue issues in the calendar: in issue #9294 note-5 I've posted an example CSS-snippet which, if added to your theme, will render issue-links to issues in the calendar-module (only!) which are overdue with a red font-color. You could modify it yourself to suit your specific needs.
Note: If you have any further questions, place them in here instead of the other issues. Thanks in advance...
RE: Highlight overdue issues
Added by Влад Владыч over 13 years ago
Oh sorry, I confused and asked one more question in issue 9294
My apologies..
RE: Highlight overdue issues
Added by Mischa The Evil over 13 years ago
Влад Владыч wrote:
Oh sorry, I confused and asked one more question in issue 9294
My apologies..
I answered overthere with 2 more style examples. Please continue discussion here instead of on that issue.
RE: Highlight overdue issues
Added by Влад Владыч over 13 years ago
Thank you very much !! It helped me !!