


Cannot login after moving site

Added by Dan Jasek almost 13 years ago

I moved redmine to a new server, with a new DNS name. Now, users cannot login with Internet Explorer (Chrome works fine). When a valid username and password are entered, the user is kicked back to the login screen with no error.

I found one oddity in the logs. In production.log, when the login fails with IE, the Processing AccountController#login entry does not have the parameters: username, password, autologin, or login.

If I modify the DNS entry for the original server name to point to the new server, logging in works fine. It is only when trying to access the new server with the new name.

My mysql version is 14.12 on Win32.
Ruby version is 1.8.7.
Rails version is 2.3.9.
redmine is 1.0.3 stable
I am using LDAP to login.

I tried to disable forgery protection by adding this line to environment.rb:
config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false

But that did not fix the issue.

I know this is an old version, but I am hoping to find a fix for this issue without updating right now.
