


Issue Tracking not Working!!!!

Added by SM Munna almost 13 years ago


I have installed the latest redmine version on HostMonster some days and I have been trying to get it sorted out by myself but in vain.

The installation process was successful (db creation, setting the session.rb,etc).

I am able to login in, create project,sub projects. However when I am creating a new issue, it jumps to the ISSUE tab and says "No data to display".

I have checked the production log as well, everything is being passed correctly, no error is displayed, however in the database, the issue is not inserted.

I tried to insert an issue directly on the DB, and see if it is retrieved on the front end, here as well no avail.

I have uninstall and reinstall the redmine latest version, and also tried the version 1.2.0, but same end result ISSUE TRACKING is not working.

Browsing the forum, I came across these posts

but still no solution found.

Could you please advise what may be causing this error and a solution if possible.


Replies (2)

RE: Issue Tracking not Working!!!! - Added by Luis Serrano Aranda almost 13 years ago

They've followed instructions to install it?

I did it but it goes very very slow. Te same thing happens to you?

RE: Issue Tracking not Working!!!! - Added by SM Munna almost 13 years ago

I followed all the steps, everything installed correctly, ruby,rails,rake all I have checked the version before installing that is for the requirement of redmine.

But still, the ISSUE TRACKING does not work. I am not able to create any ISSUE. Yes it is a bit slow. I thought might be HostMonster server.
