How to rank and sort issues numerically
Added by Alan Bowsher over 13 years ago
We've used Redmine for a while now. We added a custom field called 'Rank', and give it a numerical value. We tend to use Rank within Priority, i.e. there's a 1, 2, 3, etc. in Immediate and a 1, 2, 3 in Urgent.
This is tedious because if one Issue gets completed, we have to manually update all the other Issues' Ranks to be appropriate. Also, sorting doesn't work as we'd like - it puts all the ones with blank Ranks (the ones too low to get our attention) before the 1.0 items.
It would be awesome if some sort of Ranking mechanism were built into Redmine (more detailed level than Priority - i.e. if you've got 20 High Issues, how do you know which one to work on first?). Maybe there is already, and I just don't know about, if so I apologize and would love to know what it is.
Even better would be if you could just drag and drop issues and their Ranks would get updated.
Replies (1)
RE: How to rank and sort issues numerically
Added by Mischa The Evil over 13 years ago
Alan Bowsher wrote:
[...] We added a custom field called 'Rank', and give it a numerical value. We tend to use Rank within Priority, i.e. there's a 1, 2, 3, etc. in Immediate and a 1, 2, 3 in Urgent.
As you say it yourself already, this seems tedious and not working. I don't think your requirement can be met using custom fields in some sort of way.
[...] Maybe there is already, and I just don't know about, if so I apologize and would love to know what it is.
Even better would be if you could just drag and drop issues and their Ranks would get updated.
It's not something done in the Redmine core, but I think the Stuff To Do Plugin (GitHub repo) is scoped specifically to solve your requirement. It also has a drag and drop enabled interface.