


how to edit issue iournal updates from a comment

Added by Hugo Bratzler over 12 years ago

if user x comments my issue and changes assingnee, tracker, due date, status ...
i get a mail with the comment and the changes.

i wanna edit the texts of the changes.

for example

FROM: Tracker: [Task] => [Support]
TO: the tracker was changed from [Task] to [Support]

? where can i do these changes ?

thanks for help

Replies (1)

RE: how to edit issue iournal updates from a comment - Added by Mischa The Evil over 12 years ago

Hugo Bratzler wrote:

i wanna edit the texts of the changes.

? where can i do these changes ?

It won't be that easy, but these emails are generated through dedicated mailer views which reside at source:/trunk/app/views/mailer. The views used for issue updates are respectively issue_edit.html.erb and issue_edit.text.erb.
