


API passing the key as a param to new/create from a rails 3.1 app. How?

Added by Erik Ordway about 13 years ago

Using REST api from a rails 3.1.13 to redmine 1.3 stable of last week. I am trying to use the API key "passed in as a "key" parameter". I can do this with RedmineClient::Issue.find but not with .

So if you want to use the API and set the user/key on request by request basis so that the issues are created by the user causing the request on the remote system you can set the :key in each request like

RedmineClient::Issue.find(offering.issue_id, :params => {:key => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"})

What I can not figure out how to do is doing this with

If you do

    issue =  
        :subject => "The subject ",
        :description => "The Descriptiong",
        :project_id => 55, #Curricular Support
        :tracker_id => 34, #Program
        :category_id => 159 ,#Folder Request
    :params => {:key => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx }


It gets added to the Issue as a value and not set as a :params to be found by redmine in
  # Returns the API key present in the request
  def api_key_from_request

The other items in the :params looked at by this message for are:
format --> json
action --> create
controller --> issues

With RedmineClient::Issue.find they are:

format --> json
action --> show
id --> 5623
controller --> issues
key --> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I have tried some other variations like putting all the issue values in a hash and then passing :params => {:key => xxxxxxxxxxxx } as a second value to with no luck. The code was all working before I switched over from a site wide key and it does work for RedmineClient::Issue.find

Replies (1)

RE: Solution API passing the key as a param to new/create from a rails 3.1 app. How? - Added by Erik Ordway about 13 years ago

If you are use something like Eric Davis's Redmine Client or in my case a copy of it in /lib you can add

    class << self
      attr_accessor :key

    def save
      prefix_options[:key] = self.class.key

see attached file
and then in your code do the following when you need to set the key
RedmineClient::Issue.key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This will effect both create and new. If you need to change the key often in the running application like I do there is the possibility the that there will be threading issues but I am not sure.

base.rb (265 Bytes) base.rb