


macro child_pages recursion depth

Added by Geert-Johan Riemer over 12 years ago

I am having wiki pages in a child tree like this:
  • Item
  • Sub item A
  • Sub item B
  • Sub sub item B1
  • Sub sub sub item X
  • Sub sub sub item Y
  • Sub sub sub item Z
  • Sub sub item B2
  • Sub sub sub item Z
  • Sub item C
  • Sub sub item C1
  • Sub sub item C2
  • Sub item D

Now the problem is that by using the child pages macro like this does not give me the sub-sub-sub items..:


The wierd thing is that the index page (sorted alphabetically) does show the sub-sub-sub pages.

The child_pages macro just shows all childs of Item(sub items) and their childs (sub-sub items).
Is there a configuration parameter that can be changed to change this behaviour? Or is it hardcoded and might I be able to change the code?
The use of sub-sub-sub pages might seem far fetched... But the wiki I'm working was growing so large that we had to split up using sub-sub-sub pages.
We're using the ubuntu/debian package redmine version (1.1.3.stable (MySQL))

Replies (1)

RE: macro child_pages recursion depth - Added by Geert-Johan Riemer over 12 years ago

I'm still looking for an answer.. some retry's at google where not giving me the answer I'm looking for.
Yes this is actually a bump post.. I just hope a redmine developer can give me an answer (even if the answer is that its not possible to do anything about it..)

