


Repository Tab: Error 404

Added by bb arthur over 12 years ago

Hi all,

I get the famous error 404 in the repository tab "The entry or revision was not found in the repository."

I already googled a lot about that problem, found some posts about it, but no one could solve mine.

Here's my environment (on a Debian Squeeze):

Ruby version              1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version          1.3.7
Rack version              1.1.3
Rails version             2.3.14
Active Record version     2.3.14
Active Resource version   2.3.14
Action Mailer version     2.3.14
Active Support version    2.3.14
Application root          /var/lib/redmine
Environment               production
Database adapter          postgresql
Database schema version   20110902000000

I use a Subversion repo, with the svn+ssh method. In the log, I have following error: "No close tag for /lists/list", which seems to occur when the svn authentication fails. Connecting from the server in command line with svn+ssh succeeds.

It seems to be a problem with permissions, but I'm not able to know what's going wrong.

Any help would be appreciated, thank's.

Replies (3)

RE: Repository Tab: Error 404 - Added by bb arthur over 12 years ago

Well... I didn't find a solution to this annoying problem with svn+ssh://, after days in try and error mode. I found quite a lot of topics talking about that problem, often with a solution, but it never works for me. The problem is that my system never asks if it has to accept the certificate permanently. It just asks if I trust the host (yes or no) instead.

Nevertheless, now I use the file:// protocol instead of svn+ssh:// and it works. Hopefully, my Subversion repository is on the same server as my Redmine instance.

If someone has an idea concerning the svn+ssh problem, I'm still interested.

RE: Repository Tab: Error 404 - Added by Homerun Homerun almost 12 years ago


I was having same issue with apache.
Finally solved problem after fight several days.

Please note that you have to get first svn+ssh working in shell with same UID that you run your web server like i apache.

Actual problem seem to be related to set SVN_SSH environment also to webserver to enable passwordless svn+ssh access.
In apache adding mod_env and set up SVN_SSH env correctly solved svn+ssh problem.

this seems to be related to how environments are handed.
in shell all worked smooth with SVN_SSH env setting but it needed mod_env setup to pass same SVN_SSH env than in shell also to apache and it's processes.

I agree this is really tweaking style solution and redmine dev should make this work out of the box.
as now there is SVN_SSH env configured in apache , i really cannot run anyting else under same apache installation.

if some has managed to handle SVN_SSH env correctly in redmine configs please reply !

There is Defect #11318 , but redmine dev stated it's ssh problem.
i think it should be redmine setup/config problem , after svn+ssh works in shell.

