


Mercurial - 404 Error When Accessing Repository

Added by Dustin B over 12 years ago

Hopefully this is a quick fix for those with experience!

I just finished up installing Mercurial and Redmine on my shared hostgator server to the tee from Redmine and Mercurial documentation, but have run in to a small problem. Mercurial works pefectly, I was able to create a repo, clone it, and sync to it without any issues, except when I add the repo to Redmine and go to the repository tab, I get a 404 error. I made sure to double check that I set the directory beginning from the root and it didn't work. I tried multiple different kinds of ways of writing out the directory but still No luck. I ended up opening my production.log, and this is the entry written every time I get the 404 error.

Processing RepositoriesController#show (for 74.56.***.*** at 2012-01-10 13:59:43) [GET]
  Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"testhg1", "controller"=>"repositories"}
hg: error during getting info: hg exited with non-zero status: 255
hg: error during getting info: hg exited with non-zero status: 255
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering common/error (404)
Completed in 280ms (View: 12, DB: 2) | 404 Not Found []

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Replies (2)

RE: Mercurial - 404 Error When Accessing Repository - Added by Jeff Jason II over 12 years ago

Bump - same error here after upgrading from 1.2.x to 1.3.2

RE: Mercurial - 404 Error When Accessing Repository - Added by Jeff Jason II over 12 years ago

Went into development mode to get some better logging:

Processing RepositoriesController#show (for ***.***.***.*** at 2012-03-15 22:54:47) [GET]
  Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"go", "controller"=>"repositories"}
  Setting Columns (0.9ms)   SHOW FIELDS FROM `settings`
  SQL (0.1ms)   SELECT max(`settings`.updated_on) AS max_updated_on FROM `settings`
  User Columns (1.0ms)   SHOW FIELDS FROM `users`
  User Load (0.1ms)   SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = 3) AND (users.status = 1) AND ( (`users`.`type` = 'User' OR `users`.`type` = 'AnonymousUser' ) )
  Project Columns (0.8ms)   SHOW FIELDS FROM `projects`
  Project Load (0.1ms)   SELECT * FROM `projects` WHERE (`projects`.`identifier` = 'go') LIMIT 1
  Repository Load (0.1ms)   SELECT * FROM `repositories` WHERE (`repositories`.project_id = 2) LIMIT 1
  Repository Columns (0.7ms)   SHOW FIELDS FROM `repositories`
  EnabledModule Load (0.2ms)   SELECT name FROM `enabled_modules` WHERE (`enabled_modules`.project_id = 2)
  EnabledModule Columns (0.7ms)   SHOW FIELDS FROM `enabled_modules`
  Setting Load (0.1ms)   SELECT * FROM `settings` WHERE (`settings`.`name` = 'autofetch_changesets') LIMIT 1
  Repository::Mercurial Columns (0.7ms)   SHOW FIELDS FROM `repositories`
Shelling out: '/usr/bin/hg' '-R' '/var/lib/hg/godc' '--encoding' 'utf-8' '--config' 'extensions.redminehelper=/var/www/corp/redmine/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/' '--config' 'diff.git=false' 'rhsummary'
hg: error during getting info: hg exited with non-zero status: 255
Shelling out: '/usr/bin/hg' '-R' '/var/lib/hg/godc' '--encoding' 'utf-8' '--config' 'extensions.redminehelper=/var/www/corp/redmine/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/' '--config' 'diff.git=false' 'rhmanifest' '-r' 'tip' ''
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering common/error (404)

so the error seems to be with this command:

'/usr/bin/hg' '-R' '/var/lib/hg/godc' '--encoding' 'utf-8' '--config' 'extensions.redminehelper=/var/www/corp/redmine/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/' '--config' 'diff.git=false' 'rhsummary'

which works fine when I run is as root

root@redacted:/var/www/corp/redmine# '/usr/bin/hg' '-R' '/var/lib/hg/godc' '--encoding' 'utf-8' '--config' 'extensions.redminehelper=/var/www/corp/redmine/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/' '--config' 'diff.git=false' 'rhsummary'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<repository root="/var/lib/hg/godc">
<tip revision="426" node="4fbdff1fbd79"/>
<branch revision="426" node="4fbdff1fbd79" name="default"/>

but my webserver runs as www-data which doesn't have access to the hg dir

root@redacted:/var/www/corp/redmine# sudo su - www-data
$ '/usr/bin/hg' '-R' '/var/lib/hg/godc' '--encoding' 'utf-8' '--config' 'extensions.redminehelper=/var/www/corp/redmine/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/' '--config' 'diff.git=false' 'rhsummary'
abort: repository /var/lib/hg/godc not found!
$ ls -l /var/lib/hg
ls: cannot open directory /var/lib/hg: Permission denied

give my www-data user access to the repo and the command now works:

$ groups
www-data hg
$ '/usr/bin/hg' '-R' '/var/lib/hg/godc' '--encoding' 'utf-8' '--config' 'extensions.redminehelper=/var/www/corp/redmine/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/' '--config' 'diff.git=false' 'rhsummary'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<repository root="/var/lib/hg/godc">
<tip revision="426" node="4fbdff1fbd79"/>
<branch revision="426" node="4fbdff1fbd79" name="default"/>

Tested it on redmine and still got the error but when I restarted apache everything was as it should be.

(I'm using phusion passenger.)

The upgrade turned out to be a red herring, the actual thing that caused this was the change from running with script/server as my user (which had repo access) to running as a properly installed phusion passenger production instance.
