


Problems Connecting SVN and Redmine

Added by Marcus Siqueira over 12 years ago

I have searched on the web and haven't yet found anything helpful, or that i could understand and do.

I'm having problems to connect SVN and Redmine. Redmine is working well on my server, i have done tests on it, and my SVN server in another machine is also running well with the repositories. When i try to connect them with these settings:

SCM : Subversion
URL: http://domain/repository_1
Login: $user
Password: $pass

After doing it, i go over the repository tab and it says:

"The entry or revision was not found in the repository."

I have tried to connect into repository with revision higher than 0, and also a repository with revision 0. Gives the same error message.
I logged into the redmine machine and went down on the log, so i found this:

Processing RepositoriesController#show (for IP at DATE HOUR) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"repository_1", "controller"=>"repositories"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Completed in 269ms (View: 29, DB: 6) | 500 Internal Server Error [http://domain/projects/repository_1/repository]

Please, anyone can help me ?

Replies (1)

RE: Problems Connecting SVN and Redmine - Added by Marcus Siqueira over 12 years ago

Problem Solved!

I had to install Subversion over the Redmine machine, so that it can execute the command.
I went real n00b and forget this machine needed the svn client to execute svn commands.
