


Redmine features available?

Added by Hans Kaiser over 12 years ago

Hello all,

I have a team of collegues, which work on different projects. Every project itself has multiple components which itself needs to be tracked. Additionally we have customer issues/incidents we have to manage.
An example for the hierarchy:

  • project1A
  • component11
  • issues
  • component12
  • issues
  • project1B
  • component13
  • issues
  • component14
  • issues


  • project2A
  • issues


We are currently using OTRS for the customer side, but it is too limited for our needs.

So we are searching for an alernative, which can handle:
  • multiple projects, as I have seen, this is done by redmine
  • are also multiple components/grouping below projects available?
  • support of creating issues and tasks with the corresponding informations against the wished customer/project/component. E.g. by putting specific tags into the beginning or ending of the mail
  • Multi language support
  • support of UTF-8 E-Mails / OTRS has often troubles with messages which contain special chars out of the UTF-8 set
  • reminder if a tasks is passing its due date

I hope I could explain my needs. Can someone help me out of the dark?

best regards,

Replies (1)

RE: Redmine features available? - Added by Ivan Cenov over 12 years ago

See categories if they could be used as components.

Every user may select language and time zone for the user interface. , but it's old.
