


Cannot edit comments

Added by Matt Rogowski over 12 years ago

When we try and edit comments and hit Save, it creates a new textarea, which contains the edited version of the comment, and the previous trexteare has the original version of the comment in it, however it doesn't actually apply the update, just keeps adding new textareas. We're running Redmine 1.3.1 and the code is up to date.

As per the sticky:

Ruby: unsure what is being asked for when you want the implementation but ruby --version produces 'ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]'
Rails: 2.3.14
OS: Ubuntu 11.10 (GNU/Linux 3.0.0-15-server x86_64)
DB: MySQL 5.1.58
Ruby-aware server used: must be Webrick :)
Redmine is running via Apache/Passenger

If anyone can give any pointers it'd be appreciated.

Replies (2)

RE: Cannot edit comments - Added by Matt Rogowski over 12 years ago

Seems this is just an issue with Chrome on a PC.

RE: Cannot edit comments - Added by Ricardo S over 12 years ago

I'm experiencing the same.

It seem to be related with chrome caching the response for http://<host>/journals/edit/<content_id>.
If I press Save after clearing the browser cache it works.
