


URGENT = 3 Issues transferred from one to an other directory = lost issues ??

Added by Olivier D'Hane over 12 years ago

Good morning,

"Main" Directory: Project
  1. Sub-Directory: Sub1
  2. Sub-Directory: Sub2

3 issues have been created yesterday but in the wrong "Main" Directory: Project" instead of "*Sub1*".

To day, these 3 issues have been transferred from Project to Sub1.

Unfortunately the 3 issues are missing. They have disappeared !!

Would you have a explanation? A cause? What would be the soluton?

Many thanks in advance for your kind support.


Replies (6)

RE: URGENT = 3 Issues transferred from one to an other directory = lost issues ?? - Added by Olivier D'Hane over 12 years ago

As end user, I do not have access to the DB.

This is the message we received when we transferred the issue from "Finance" to "AR" ...

Issue #473 has been updated by XXXXX.
• Project changed from Finance to AR
DocValidation #473: SAP - Finance - AR : MM 28-02-12: to be done or checked by DLW

When we use the "former" link of the issue #473, we have an error message.

The page you were trying to access doesn't exist or has been removed._"

And no new issue number have been created .. strange.

RE: URGENT = 3 Issues transferred from one to an other directory = lost issues ?? - Added by Olivier D'Hane over 12 years ago

So according to you: if I have the permission, i could see the "former" link.

Could you send me the procedure to follow in order to have this permission?

I'll send it to the IT Manager.

Thanks a lot for your kind support.

