


How can I effectively postpone a set of tasks?

Added by Jonas T. over 12 years ago

I already asked this question on stackoverflow, but that might have not been the ideal place for this specific question.
So I hope somebody in here can be of help with my problem:

In my current project set up I have a version with a set due date. Now all the tasks for that version have an assigned start/end date (which in this specific case is the same day). E.g.

task x     -> start 20.3. / due 20.3.
task y     -> start 21.3. / due 21.3. 
task [...] -> start [...] / due [...]

Now it could happen that I am not able to finish a certain task as planned on the given day.

The only option I found to postpone a set of tasks was to bulk edit the start/end date, which only gives me the option to set the same start/end date for all selected tasks. Is there a way to simply postpone a set of tasks by amount x?


task #1 -> due someday+x
...     -> ....
task #N -> due otherday+x 

What would be the best approach for the problem described above? How is everybody else postponing tasks? Is there a "canonical" way to do it? Am I even doing it wrong? Maybe there is a plugin that solves this specific problem?

Help is highly appreciated. Thx in advance

Replies (4)

RE: How can I effectively postpone a set of tasks? - Added by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago

If the tasks are all linked by precedes/follow relationships, then updating the end date of one of the tasks should automatically update the start and end dates of the following tasks.

RE: How can I effectively postpone a set of tasks? - Added by Jonas T. over 12 years ago

How would I go about setting up such a relationship?
When creating a new issue, the only option I have is to define a parent task, priority, date and target version.
All those options seem to not map your proposed precedes/follow relationship.
I am using the "task" tracker for my issues.
Could it be that I am using the wrong tracker? What is the exact option I should look for? Maybe something in the Administration Panel I might have missed?

RE: How can I effectively postpone a set of tasks? - Added by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago

I think you don't have the "Manage relations" permission.
