


Sticky forum posts not working

Added by Alaric Haag over 12 years ago

Hello all,

I'm a new Redmine user, and am very pleased with it. I've installed version 1.3.2 on a CentOS 6.2 server.

I'm finding that I can't seem to make any "Sticky" forum messages. I create the forum, add a message, and check the Sticky item, and save, and the message "looks" just like any other in the list. I edit the post, and re-check (it's unchecked) the Sticky checkbox and save, and no luck. I have even tried as user "admin" with no difference in behavior.

I went into MySQL and "select * from messages;" lists ALL messages as having 0 (zero) in the Sticky field, so it's not being set in the DB...

I'm not a ruby coder, so any guidance will be much appreciated.

So far this is the only "issue" I'm having with Redmine! :)

PS: Thanks for all the hard development work!

Replies (2)

RE: Sticky forum posts not working - Added by Alaric Haag over 12 years ago

Oh yeah, and I'm running:

$ ruby --version
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [i386-linux]

RE: Sticky forum posts not working - Added by Emidio Stani over 12 years ago

I confirm I have the same bug on Redmine 1.3.2, Ruby 1.8.7 with MySQL on Ubuntu 10.04
