


attach new project to existing svn repository

Added by Roberto Nunnari over 12 years ago

Hi all.

  1. ruby --version
    ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]
  2. rails --version
    Rails 2.3.14
  3. cat /etc/issue
    Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \n \l
  4. psql --version
    psql (PostgreSQL) 9.1.3
  5. Ruby-aware server used? humm.. do you mean apache 2.2.22 + passenger 2.2.11?
  6. dpkg -l | grep redmine
    ii redmine 1.3.2+dfsg1-1ubuntu1 flexible project management web application
    ii redmine-pgsql 1.3.2+dfsg1-1ubuntu1 metapackage providing PostgreSQL dependencies for Redmine

I'm installing and configuring a new server with redmine and svn/git.
I'm new to redmine, but up to now I must say I'm impressed and very happy with it.
Authentication and authorization (attached via LDAP to the department AD) work very well.
Automatic svn repository creation works well, too (via crontab).

The problem I'm facing now is that I can't seem to be able to attach a project to an existing svn repository.
Going to https://redmine-host/projects/myproject/settings/repository
lets me with a pulldown menu to choose a SCM system, but when I choose subversion (or any other) doesn't do anything, and the create button (the only action available) is disabled.

maybe it may be related to the above..
When I go to https://redmine-host/settings?tab=repositories
and I click on 'Generate a key', it just doesn't do anything al all.. and so I copied in a key I had generated on another redmine installation.

Why? What may be wrong?

Thank you for any help/hints.
Best regards.

Replies (3)

RE: attach new project to existing svn repository - Added by Roberto Nunnari about 12 years ago

Anybody on this, please?
Best regards.

RE: attach new project to existing svn repository - Added by Roberto Nunnari about 12 years ago

I'm sorry.. I thought redmine community was better than this.. I posted this on 20 april and got no reply at all.. too bad.

RE: attach new project to existing svn repository - Added by Roberto Nunnari about 12 years ago

I finally solved it myself.

In case other users stumble on this problem, here it is:

I was missing 'Options -MultiViews' in the apache configuration..

Best regards.
