


Cannot view issues with subversion links after 2.0 upgrade

Added by Adam Schaible over 12 years ago

Hello everyone,

Thanks in advance for the assistance. I upgraded from 1.2.x to 2.0.1 using the Bitnami Redmine stack. I had some initial database upgrade issues related to an issue upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3 - I needed to drop a table called changeset_parent. FWIW, it had no rows in it. To be clear, I did not actually upgrade to 1.3 - I went straight from 1.2 to 2.0.1. I re-restored my DB, dropped the table, then ran rake db:migrate. That completed successfully.

I can now login, view issue lists, etc. The only error I'm encountering is viewing issues themselves. I searched for keywords in the error log, but could not find anything related.. Apologies if this has been discussed, I was unable to find it. Here's a snippet from the log:

Started GET "/redmine/issues/286" for at Wed May 30 20:46:14 -0400 2012
Processing by IssuesController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"286"}
Rendered issues/_action_menu.html.erb (7.8ms)
Rendered issue_relations/_form.html.erb (2.9ms)
Rendered issues/_relations.html.erb (4.9ms)
Rendered issues/_changesets.html.erb (4.9ms)
Rendered issues/show.html.erb within layouts/base (138.7ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 431ms

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `is_default?' for #<Repository::Subversion:0xadcd3f0>):
1: <% changesets.each do |changeset| >
2: <div class="changeset <
= cycle('odd', 'even') >">
3: <p><
= link_to_revision(changeset, changeset.repository,
4: :text => "#{l(:label_revision)} #{changeset.format_identifier}") ><br />
5: <span class="author"><
= authoring(changeset.committed_on, %></span></p>
6: <div class="wiki">
app/models/repository.rb:107:in `identifier_param'
app/helpers/application_helper.rb:120:in `link_to_revision'
app/views/issues/_changesets.html.erb:3:in `_app_views_issues__changesets_html_erb___509682234_90698544'
app/views/issues/_changesets.html.erb:1:in `each'
app/views/issues/_changesets.html.erb:1:in `_app_views_issues__changesets_html_erb___509682234_90698544'
app/views/issues/show.html.erb:110:in `_app_views_issues_show_html_erb__975788317_90401676'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:118:in `show'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:115:in `show'

Any suggestions?

Replies (3)

RE: Cannot view issues with subversion links after 2.0 upgrade - Added by Adam Schaible about 12 years ago

Shameless bump ... anyone able to assist - or is there any additional information I could provide?


RE: Cannot view issues with subversion links after 2.0 upgrade - Added by Adam Schaible about 12 years ago

OK, I tried this again and am not getting the error now..

The only difference is that previously I don't think I migrated the plugins, so I re-did everything, then did a rake redmine:plugins:migrate .. working now.

RE: Cannot view issues with subversion links after 2.0 upgrade - Added by Adam Schaible about 12 years ago

Just to confirm this was the culprit, I tried this again -- same error.. then I did rake redmine:plugins:migrate ... tried again, error gone.

Hopefully this helps someone in the future.
