


CVS functionality not working

Added by Mark Mercado about 12 years ago

I'm having problems getting CVS working, below are the details.

$ sudo -E RAILS_ENV=production script/about
  Redmine version                          2.0.2.stable.9774
  Ruby version                             1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
  Rails version                            3.2.5
  Environment                              production
  Database adapter                         MySQL
Redmine plugins:  no plugin installed

Under Administration > Settings > Repositories, I see:
[x] Cvs     (Red !) /usr/bin/cvs     1.11.23

And of course, in a project, I cannot add a CVS repository. When I choose CVS as a SCM, it gives the error message:

Scm command is not available. Please check settings on the administration panel.

Of course, the fact that Redmine is showing the version of the cvs command, and it doesn't work, is strange.

Any help/ideas are greatly appreciated.

Mark Mercado

Replies (2)

RE: CVS functionality not working - Added by Toshi MARUYAMA about 12 years ago

Redmine supports only CVS 1.12.

RE: CVS functionality not working - Added by Mark Mercado about 12 years ago

Thanks, I installed CVS 1.12.12 and everything worked.
