


problems enabling email notifications

Added by Sean D about 12 years ago

Hi. I am trying to enable email notifications in Redmine using my local smtp server. I've entered the following settings (some redacted, here) in config/configuration.yml as well as config/email.yml:

delivery_method: :smtp
address: "localhost"
port: 25
authentication: :login
domain: '############'
user_name: '############'
password: '############'

When I browse to the Email Notifications tab in the admin UI, however, all I see is "Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled. Configure your SMTP server in config/configuration.yml and restart the application to enable them."

Any ideas? What other steps does redmine require for enabling email notifications?


BTW - I'm running Redmine 2.0, Ruby 1.9.3, Windows/IIS 7.5.

Replies (2)

RE: problems enabling email notifications - Added by Francis Lee Mondia about 12 years ago

Hey Sean,

configure config/configuration.yml. But be careful with it as it needs to be a valid YML file. Which means two spaces not tabs. And remove the production line at the end of the page if you use the production directive in the email configuration section.



RE: problems enabling email notifications - Added by Sean D about 12 years ago

I gave it another try removing the production line, and still nothing. Then I restarted IIS ("iisreset /restart"), and it worked. I can now configure email notifications.

Two takeaways:
1) Get the YML file right
2) Restart IIS to pick up the changes

Thanks for your help,
