


SMTP Server, Sending Mail Not Working Despite Following Wiki

Added by Jon Hidden about 12 years ago

- Ubuntu 12.04.
- Redmine 1.3.2+dfsg1-1ubuntu1.
- Used MySQL to configure Redmine DB.

Followed instructions here:

Did not install PPA, besides that did exactly as I was told like a good boy.


I have exactly what that wiki has under no password configuration, except I changed the host to 192.168.3.X. This is saved into /etc/redmine/default/configuration.yml. (this version of redmine uses /etc/redmine/default/configuration.yml for email settings right? I tried cp into mail.yml, same deal).

I can telnet to 192.168.3.X 25 fine, and do helo foo; MAIL FROM ... etc, sends email fine.

Redmine doesn't appear to have any other issues, of course this is not very testable without token working. I could perhaps find a boolean flag in the users DB table and skip the email confirmation, but this hardly makes it very usable for new accounts. First thing's first for me, email config.

Let me know if you need any more details, thanks for the help.

Replies (1)

RE: SMTP Server, Sending Mail Not Working Despite Following Wiki - Added by Jon Hidden about 12 years ago

Problem found:

The installation instructions for this version of redmine links to the email configuration wiki entry, which has instructions for later versions of redmine only.

mv configuration.ymc email.ymc fixed the issue.

I'll see if you have public access to the wiki to update it for the next person. _'
