


Redmine Services starting on boot

Added by Sha Kni about 12 years ago


I created an virutal machine (Ubuntu) with redmine and I can't get services (apache, mysql, redmine and subversion) to start automatically every time I reboot the machine. I already tried:

Debian-like distribution (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)

1. Copy the installdir/ file to /etc/init.d . It is advisable to rename this script to something more specific, like “bitnami-drupal”.
$ sudo cp ${installdir}/ /etc/init.d/bitnami-drupal
2. We will use rc-update.d to add the script to the desired runlevels.
$ sudo update-rc.d -f bitnami-drupal start 80 2 3 4 5 . stop 30 0 1 6 .
As you can see, we define the priority (80 for start and 30 for stop) and the runlevels in which the script will be executed. The result of this command will be something like
Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/bitnami-drupal ...
/etc/rc0.d/K30bitnami-bitnami-drupal -> ../init.d/drupal
/etc/rc1.d/K30bitnami-bitnami-drupal -> ../init.d/drupal
/etc/rc6.d/K30bitnami-drupal -> ../init.d/bitnami-drupal
/etc/rc2.d/S80bitnami-drupal -> ../init.d/bitnami-drupal
/etc/rc3.d/S80bitnami-drupal -> ../init.d/bitnami-drupal
/etc/rc4.d/S80bitnami-drupal -> ../init.d/bitnami-drupal
/etc/rc5.d/S80bitnami-drupal -> ../init.d/bitnami-drupal

Nothing happens, and also when I start the services manually, I need to do ./ start redmine, at least twice until the service go up. Anyone knows any way to make the services start automatically in another way?

Replies (4)

RE: Redmine Services starting on boot - Added by André Bachmann about 12 years ago

When I was installing Bitnami Redmine on several machines before, the guide there has always worked for me.

So you are saying that even when executing ./ start (and NOT ./ start redmine!) your Redmine won't start? Have you checked the apache log as well as production.log and mongrel*.log from Redmine?

RE: Redmine Services starting on boot - Added by Sha Kni about 12 years ago

Yes, exactly. Where can I check the apache log as well the other logs? I'm quite new on Linux and Redmine..

RE: Redmine Services starting on boot - Added by André Bachmann about 12 years ago

Assuming you are using Bitnami Redmine and installed it to /opt/redmine-version, the Apache logfiles are usually located at /opt/redmine-version/apache2/logs. Redmine's production.log is in /opt/redmine-version/apps/redmine/log. You should check this file first. A good start would be to shutdown Bitnami-Redmine (sudo /opt/redmine-version/ stop), delete or move production.log, then restart Redmine (sudo /opt/redmine-version/ start). Now you are sure to have only relevant information in this file. Then you could post this file here if you don't get a hint on what's wrong with Redmine.

RE: Redmine Services starting on boot - Added by Sha Kni about 12 years ago

I have located the logs files and restarted twice Redmine, I can start the services without any error, but I can't restart the virtual machine with Ubuntu and get the services up, I saw this logs but can't find anything related to the startup services. Do you know where to get the startup logs?
