


Migrating Trac to Redmine

Added by Alexandre Lefèvre about 12 years ago


I'm representing a franch company, and i'm in charge of comparison studie between Trac and Redmine to determine if we will change our management project software.
The most important for my company is to know if it's easy to import all the trac data to Redmine. I see a plugin which make this easier but i need more details.
It's easy to change our sofware for Redmine wich data? Or are we oblige to maintain a trac with our new Redmine.
If you have more information about the migration between these software, i need them.

Thanks for your help, an my apologies for my english mistakes!

Lefèvre Alexandre

Replies (2)

RE: Migrating Trac to Redmine - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

Looks like it's built into Redmine:

I haven't tried it though, but you can always spin up a test box and run the migration.

RE: Migrating Trac to Redmine - Added by Alexandre Lefèvre about 12 years ago

I found this wiki after my message, I will test the migration this week.

Thanks for your help!
