


issues across projects

Added by Peter Roberts about 12 years ago

I am using 1.3.2.

I have a project with several subprojects, each subproject represents an application within a system.
From time to time an issue relates to several subprojects, e.g. if a network message changes then two or more applications must change.
I have not found a way of relating/linking a top level issue to issues on subprojects.
My thinking is that in keeping each application (&its issues) in its own subproject then it would be easier to run reports detailing changes to each application.

How do I go about doing this or should I be configuring projects in another way?

Replies (4)

RE: issues across projects - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

Administration > Settings > Issue Tracking > Allow Cross-Project Issue Relations.

RE: issues across projects - Added by Peter Roberts about 12 years ago

That allows me to relate issues.
I was actually looking to make the issues subtasks & so the issues would appear properly together on the Gantt chart.

Is this possible in later versions, being planned?

RE: issues across projects - Added by Peter Roberts about 12 years ago

Thanks, looks like I will have to wait.
